You feel lethargic, fatigue and your strength to leave you; One of the main reasons, that may be causing you these unpleasant feelings is the accumulation of toxins in your body. The solution; Detoxification!
Through a simple process, with clear instructions and always with the scientific guidance of the Fitlab team, your diet and exercise are put into one program. With easy, not strenuous, fast and effective way you will see and above all you will feel the reduction of the toxic load and the impressive strengthening of your energy.
7+1 Diet tips for detoxification
- Replace breakfast with a natural juice or smoothies with fruits and vegetables.
- Increase the amount of water, that you consume daily (prefer to enjoy the first two glasses of water of the day before breakfast).
- Exclude sugar from your menu, since there will be many such holiday treats coming to your table soon.
- Make sure that two of the five meals of the day are raw fruits and vegetables and accompany them with a salad.
- Prefer your dinner to be light and like a "brinner" choose to enjoy a low-fat yogurt combined with chia seeds, flaxseed and oat bran.
- Don't forget the intermediate meals, for which we mainly want nuts (up to 15 unsalted nuts) and fruits.
- Combine the above nutritional tips with daily exercise, both aerobically and with weights.
2+ 1 Days Detox: Because vacations also mean detox
The above tips are great and easy to apply in everyday life. However, Fitlab helps your body return to its natural state, normal rhythms of one special detox program. Look at you 3 days the body, the energy, your skin and mood to change dramatically.
OR detoxification it is a natural process of the body, for the elimination of toxins, which starts from the liver. However, the burdened modern way of life does not help this particular process, resulting in intense fluid retention, dull skin, low energy levels, fatigue and often, inflation.
The road to detoxification is one... the healthy and balanced diet! We remove from our diet foods that interfere with detoxification (sugar, trans, saturated fatty acids), we observe food sensitivities (which often hinder weight loss and exacerbate toxicity), we reinforce our plan with the appropriate detox foods.
Special diet plan for detoxification: What difference will I see after 3 days
Detoxification will boost your energy levels, since it facilitates energy release passages, wellness and strength. It will contribute to the good functioning of metabolic processes, that lead to fat burning and will significantly strengthen the immune system, since the friendly bacteria will now be able to act defensively and attack any harmful ones, external factor.
Last but not least, the specific diet plan detoxification will give you a shiny, rejuvenated skin. Through the detoxification process, the elimination of toxins and heavy metals that we take in from food is enhanced. Thus, beauty and the desired anti-aging are favored.