Winter training: What we need to know

Jan 8, 2023 | Wellness Mind & Body

The weather has cooled and we can say that we are in the heart of winter. Truth, training continues at low temperatures or not; Of course yes, just with proper preparation!

In fact, training in low temperatures is particularly refreshing, as long as you know how to protect yourself and your muscles.

Of course, there are those cases too, during which we should not train outdoors in very low temperatures. One case is if you suffer from a chronic disease and your doctor decides that you should not be exposed to the cold. The second concerns extremely extreme and dangerous weather conditions.


Training in the cold: That's how you'll do it better

  1. Most in fashion, layering in clothing comes to "save" us! Prefer to wear isothermal thin clothing, on top of that your blouse and sweatshirt and above all a windproof jacket so that you are also covered from the cold wind.
  2. It kept the balance between the cold air, the warm body and sweating. Many clothes are the most effective solution, so that you don't get cold but also don't get too hot. Better more clothes and remove gradually, rather than less clothes.
  3. Make sure your ends, hands- apron, be protected from the cold. Wear high socks and gloves.
  4. A good warm-up before training and the corresponding recovery with several stretches after the exercise are mandatory.
  5. Remember to "insulate" your neck, since we don't want a cold during a pandemic so that it doesn't confuse us but also so that it doesn't "break down" our immune system.
  6. Carry enough water with you and hydrate your body regularly, even if you are not thirsty. Hydration is equally necessary at low temperatures (as in the height of summer).
  7. Keep your head warm, especially in the neck area and in general. You knew that 80% of body heat is stored in the head;