Conscious cooking: How to channel your positive energy into nutrition

Sep 25, 2021 | Wellness Mind & Body

Let's start this article by explaining what "conscious cooking" means.. This is a term, which is part of the general mindful living philosophy for the attitude we have towards life and small, Her everyday moments.

Conscious cooking is the preparation of our meals with deep knowledge in the details of the raw materials we use and their benefits, With attention to the experience of cooking and with the goal of nourishing and healing through food, our body. For the even more advanced, Conscious cooking is directly linked to balance in life and a more ecological consciousness and plant- based nutrition.

It basically tells you to pay attention to your choice of foods, in the preparation of meals and of course in the moment you enjoy your food. The message is "caution, care, gratitude and love" to yourself, nature and everyone you cook for.


Conscious cooking: 4+ 1 steps to achieve it

And as the chef and author of mindful cooking has stated, book Thomas Keller, "The recipe has no soul. You as a cook have the role to bring the soul to the recipe.".


  1. Set a clear goal: So the point is to show our intentions from the beginning, setting a goal for the specific meal we will prepare. We close our eyes, We take deep breaths and concentrate to transfer our emotion to cooking and finally achieve our goal. A goal, for example:, It can be about achieving change towards a more conscious and healthy lifestyle.
  2. Treat cooking as a process of giving: Cooking is indeed an offer, either self- service, that is, you do it for yourself or for others. So put love and care and you are on the best track!
  3. Set the mood: If you're preparing your space to do anything, B.C. gymnastics, dinner, work, etc., Then you give more value to what you are going to create. You gradually initiate yourself into a ritual, that will lead to a great creation. In this case, your food! So put on your music, Clean your counter so that you can neatly touch the ingredients of the recipe, Turn on your oven and the culinary journey begins...
  4. Don't rush: Your time in everyday life may be limited and we understand you 100%, But a recipe won't be executed faster than its recommended time if you're stressful. All you can achieve, It's a not-so-tasty result. So give it time, Take your time and enjoy the process.
  5. Make the most of your every sense: Remember the movie? Political Cuisine, in which cooking awakened every sense; E, This doesn't just happen in movies. Cooking makes you see colors in fresh ingredients, listen to the preparation of food, enjoy the aromas that emerge, Taste what you are preparing.
  6. Serve consciously: And the menu is ready to serve. That is a blessing... Prepare the food you like (And your body likes it too) and be able to share it with your own people. Don't forget!