Smart workout videos: A new era in training

Mar 9, 2022 | Wellness Mind & Body

Eleni Petroulaki was one of the first professionals, who brought to Greece the DVDs with exercises. The goal was for the public to get to know exercise and to integrate it easily and more economically into their daily lives. So, women and men, they "entered" the training from the comfort of their home and began to feel better seeing the changes in their body and psychology.

So many years after Smart workout videos they return more refreshed, more specialized and personalized, more dynamic and intensive but with the same goal... As many people as possible get to know and love exercise and their body!


Smart workout videos: Why choose them?

  1. You can train anywhere, without missing a workout wherever you are.
  2. They are intensive and with spectacular results.
  3. They just ask 20 with 30 minutes of your time.
  4. They have the signature and the necessary training tips from Eleni Petroulaki.
  5. You can easily find the way and form of exercise, that best suits your lifestyle.
  6. You can exercise any day, but also time of day, it serves you and you are willing to do it.
  7. They are also personalized, to change your body and the way you think about daily training.
  8. The Smart workout videos are specially designed for the modern man, who has a demanding everyday life.


Bonus info: New video "against" sedentary life

Fitlab and Eleni Petroulaki studied and designed a new training program, which "hits" the problems that arise from a sedentary life. It's about Rehab Fitness, it just lasts 20 minutes, and it will help you find your strength again and feel your body again. Because that's the thing about being sedentary, we forget to feel and "listen" to our body.