Postnatal Fitness: Breastfeeding and exercise go together;

Dec 2, 2021 | Eleni's Blog

One of the most frequently asked questions we get asked at Fitlab, is whether exercise is allowed during the breastfeeding period, When can you start and what are the recommended forms of training?.


First of all, let's emphasize that the breastfeeding period is very special, Like pregnancy. For both the woman and the baby a lot changes. Especially for the mother who sees hormonal, psychological and physical changes occur month after month, The need to take care of herself together with her baby is intense. He just doesn't know 100% How to achieve it! So our team, led by Eleni Petroulaki, is here to help new mommies.


Breastfeeding and exercise: Postnatal Fitness is allowed

The extra weight and poor physical condition of a new mother, whose body has increased demands to cope with breastfeeding of the infant, They can make everyday life and women's psychology difficult. And that's where exercise comes in, in combination with a balanced diet, to balance them...

Exercise while breastfeeding is allowed. Relevant studies have shown that there is no difference in milk production, its nutritional composition or weight gain of the baby. Especially when we talk about moderate-intensity exercise, with which we start after a pregnancy.

But even in the case of intense exercise, for which previously there was a fear of a change in the composition and taste of breast milk due to lactic acid production, Research shows that there are no harmful effects on the infant and its acceptance of breastfeeding after exercise.


See all programs of Fitlab by Eleni Petrolaki and the Fit After Birth here!

Postnatal Fitness and When Can I Start;

The right answer comes from your doctor and this is because every case of pregnancy and childbirth is different. So the doctor knows first of all, When is the best time to start exercising again?. However, it is worth noting two things:.

The first is that if you belong to women, If you continued exercising during pregnancy then you have a good physical condition to start training immediately. But if you had completely stopped exercising during pregnancy or didn't exercise much before pregnancy, then we start gradually. Commonly the level of fitness that the mother has, plays a crucial role in the time of return to exercise.

The second thing we must emphasize, are the valuable benefits of exercise during breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding and exercise: What are the benefits?

  • Weight loss without deprivation
  • Better psychological mood
  • Empowerment to hold your baby safely and without muscle aches
  • Quality sleep
  • Increase mother's energy
  • Significant improvement in bone density, affected during pregnancy
  • Improvement of the general physical condition of the mother, who has such a need for wellness at this time


Bonus tip for nursing mothers

If you notice a link between strenuous exercise and your infant's refusal to breastfeed, You can wait about 30 minutes until lactic acid disappears. This, of course, is a very rare case of linking refusal to breastfeed with intense maternal exercise.


See all programs of Fitlab by Eleni Petrolaki and the Fit After Birth here!