Stretching: Because stretching is not only recovery

Nov 12, 2021 | Eleni's Blog

Most of us know that stretching contributes to recovery, but also in the general physical condition of the body. But how many of us do stretching exercises every day?;


So if we understand even better the benefits of stretching, We increase the chances to integrate them into our daily lives and enjoy their results. Essentially, what is stretching?; Stretch! That alone sounds pretty enjoyable, If you think about how good it feels to stretch.


And what happens when we don't stretch?; We increase or cause mobility problems, both during movement and rest as we will see below.


Stretching: When and where to do them

  • At home after work, When we feel fatigue and stress in our body
  • Before training, for better exercise performance
  • Post-workout, for effective recovery
  • Before bedtime, for better sleep
  • Every morning before work, to increase productivity and stimulate body and spirit


Stretching after a hard or demanding day stimulates blood circulation, while in the morning hours they help us better cope with any work and activity.


All you will need, It is an exercise mat and on special occasions, where the back hurts a lot, You can also use a pillow or brick.


Stretching and sleeping: And yet it fights insomnia!

Tense muscles prevent quality sleep and often cause insomnia. As we get older, the more our muscles shrink and this means that our range of motion is reduced. If we care about the flexibility of our body, We give ourselves the ability to perform any kind of exercise so that we can strengthen the whole body.


Modern man spends many hours behind a desk, in one chair, And that's why he often experiences back or neck pain during his moments of relaxation. This pain is caused by muscle tension, which results from a long sedentary lifestyle. So if we do not take care to reduce the effects of sedentary lifestyle and work in time, We are at risk of serious back problems.


Stretching doesn't just stretch muscles, But they also have the ability to relax them. This is how they make us feel better!


Stretching and how to do it correctly

You can try static stretching consisting of slow, controlled muscle stretching throughout range of motion. In the state of maximum stretching it is necessary to stand for approximately 15- 30 Seconds. It is a very safe stretching method, allowing total control of movement and the use of maximum muscle tension.